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Our Activities and Aims

The “Österreichische Forschungsgesellschaft Straße - Schiene - Verkehr” (FSV) – the Austrian Research Association for Roads, Railways and Transport – has a very long history. It was founded in the 1950´s as a specialised subgroup of the Austrian Association of Engineers and Architects under the name “Forschungsgesellschaft für das Straßenwesen“ (Roadway Research Association). In the 1980´s, the scope of the group’s activities expanded and subsequently came to include oversight of roads and transportation. In the 2000´s the FSV got it´s current name and the working field of railroads was added.

The FSV committees form a network of more than 1,400 persons are promoting the exchange of knowledge and development on national and international level (as partner with PIARC).

For experts who are dealing with designing, construction, maintenance, operation and utilisation of transportation structures the FSV regards itself as a plattform and a centre of competence, it is available for all professional working in the fields of economics, science and administration. As contact agency for clients and contractors, the FSV acts also as a connector between the public and the private sector.

The FSV defines the state of the art in transportation engineering, preparing guidelines for roads (RVS) and railways (RVE). In preparing and revising these guidelines, the FSV pursues the aim of guaranteeing optimised, safe and sustainable transportation infrastructure including also contract related aspects and the standardisation of specifications of works. Since some years the FSV has started translating guidelines into English, please look into the publication section here in the english part of the website.

The main duty of the FSV is to develop, to document and to communicate the knowledge gained in the fields of roads, railways and transportation combining science, economics and administration.

For more informations you can read our booklet: Download